
Hello, my name is Amber! I love to help others in anyway that I can and I seem to enjoy doing it through story-telling. One day I was working as a nursing student in a medical surgical unit and one of my patients asked me to start blogging. Fast forward from that day in May 2014, here I am! In these blogs you’ll get to read my story from when I was a full-time nursing student, part-time certified nurses assistant at a psychiatric hospital, to the married woman, semi-crunchy mom, caregiver to 100% disabled husband, options-trader that I am today. I plan to use this page to express interesting new experiences in this world- whether it be at home, at work, in the kitchen, or even at church. Due to HIPAA, I won’t be saying where I’m working, and I will be using fake names. I hope you enjoy reading about my crazy life!

I’m Amber!

Welcome to HoneyBuns, my cozy corner of the internet dedicated to all things me. Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of navigating through this toxic world as a caregiver and mom!

Let’s connect